Bree is My Bling Bling

Saturday, August 20, 2005


Kristina is Bree's best friend in school. They are both Girl Scout brownies. They're pretty much inseparable during brownie activities - same tent at camping, same boothing at girl scout cookie events, always partners during brownie games and always hanging out together during breaks in school.

Stacy dropped off Kristina at our house around 9am. She said Kristina soooo wanted to play with Sabrina. So, i said no problem, she can stay with us until all day. I really had no plans but to stay home and just clean and fix up my new closet.

Bree is not a very good hostess. Sometimes i see her doing one thing and Kristina doing a totally different thing. Sometimes, they would be in 2 different locations in the house. But they had some good times, too - they played outside in the swing, they played tea party and a little bit of Bop It!.

I asked them what they want for lunch, and they opted for McDo happy meals, instead of pizza. So, i picked up their happy meals and told the server that i want girl toys. But she probably wasn't paying attention because the happy meal bags had boy toys in it. Oh well. Kristina was picked up by her dad around 3pm.


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